New grants seek pandemic solutions

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Innovation grants from the NSW Government are available now so SMEs, researchers and innovation district leaders can work together to solve the biggest problems posed by COVID-19.

Delivered via the NSW Government Innovation Scale Up Fund, three separate programs are available. They include COVID-19 TechVoucher co-contributions to a maximum value of $50,000 per project, and a six million dollar R&D Fund.

Mark Ames, General Manager at Connect Macquarie Park Innovation District, welcomed the new grants:

“We have some of the brightest minds in Australia located right here in Macquarie Park who will benefit from these new grants. Anything that enables our research and innovation communities to collaborate with our world-leading health, pharmaceutical, technology, and telecommunications industries is a good thing.”

Minister for Jobs, Investment, Tourism and Western Sydney Stuart Ayres announced the programs, saying they would help stimulate R&D and drive a “resilient, post-pandemic economy”.

“This investment in R&D encourages collaborative projects to design or validate products, complete product testing and certification, enhance existing product capabilities, or facilitate entry into international markets,” Mr Ayres said.

Visit the Business NSW website for more details.


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