MQU Incubator | David Shein: How I founded Australia’s first unicorn


Monday 22 March


2pm - 3pm


In Person
MQ Incubator, 8 Hadenfeld Avenue

Join David Shein from Our Innovation Fund, to find out how he founded Australia's first tech unicorn. 

Twenty-one years after selling Com Tech Communications, for an enterprise value of over $1 billion – arguably Australia’s first tech unicorn – David decided to write a book.

Drawing on over three decades of experience, David will share some lessons he’s learned that would be valuable for anyone looking to start a company.

So much has changed from a technology perspective – yet, in some ways, nothing has changed. Products come and go. But you will always have customers, staff and business partners. How you treat these three constituents will be the difference between building a good company, a great company, an irrelevant company or one that simply disappears.

This is an in-person event and will not be streamed or recorded.

March 2022 will see the most significant in-person return of students and business people to Macquarie Park since the start of the global pandemic. Connect Macquarie Innovation District’s Macquarie Park is OPEN campaign will welcome everyone back by highlighting Macquarie Park’s amenity, creating moments to bring people together, and boosting confidence across the Park.


Happy Hour at the Holiday Inn (Multiple dates)


Stay & Refuel offer - Courtyard by Marriott hotel