MOVE fest brings people together
Young Macquarie Parkers have fun at Eloura Reserve on Waterloo Rd, in this image submitted to the MOVE photo competition
More than 1,200 people have flocked to events during MOVE Mac Park 2021, a 3-week festival of activations designed to help people who live, work and study in the Park discover what's on their doorstep.
Popular events included vintage bus tours of Waterloo Road, open air yoga classes in parks and green space, and even a pop-up photo gallery. Wet weather didn't stop a capacity crowd turning out for a wild food foraging workshop along Shrimptons Creek trail.
Mark Ames, CMPID General Manager, explained MOVE was all about new discoveries and connections:
"After the disruption of COVID-19 lock downs, we grabbed the chance to bring people back to the Park in a safe and fun way together. We took lots of events outside this year, from early morning stretch classes, a bike breakfast and even open air exhibitions."
"We celebrated Sydney Metro Northwest's 2nd birthday, with a string quartet performing along the line between Macquarie Park's 3 stations, keeping commuters amused and reminding us all of the fantastic public transport service available."
"It's been great to connect the community and bring people, especially employees, back to Mac Park in a purposeful way."
MOVE fest also had a serious role, with an innovation summit highlighting the strength of the local MedTech sector and exploring the challenges of medical cyber security.
Industry figures came together to network and hear from keynote speakers including Mayor of the City of Ryde Jerome Laxalle and Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier, Gabriel Upton, MP, with the event jointly organised by Connect, Macquarie University, City of Ryde and AustCyber.