Australian-first could cut the emmissions your data makes in Macquarie Park

In an Australian first Macquarie Data Centres will use cooling technology in their Macquarie Park data campus that could cut CO2 emissions by 45%, following the signing of a deal with expanding local sustainable data management company ResetData.

“Submer” cooling technology takes the infrastructure which data like your home internet, company cloud or secure storage runs on, and immerses it in liquid to keep it cool - reducing the CO2 emissions that your data creates. The technology, used by tech giants like Intel and Dell, can also recycle heat generated by data centres and claims to create zero wastewater.

Macquarie Data Centres Group Executive David Hirst said the partnership will expand the service offering at their Macquarie Park data centre campus:

“Our partnership with ResetData enables increasingly important technologies such as GPUaaS to drive Australia’s digital economy. It’s good to see how technologies come to market which enable the digital applications of the future.”

Founded in 2021 by entrepreneurs Marcel Zalloua and Bass Salah, ResetData is another Macquarie Park success story - based in premises on the Lane Cove Road, in the heart of our innovation district.

The deal will see ResetData host its disaster recovery-as-a-service in Macquarie’s data centres as they move to target government, gaming, video production, rendering and other data-heavy industries trying to balance cost and climate concerns with rising data needs.

Macquarie's Intellicentre 3 East, a 10MW data centre on Talavera Road, was opened by former Prime Minister of Australia Scott Morrison earlier this year.

At that event Macquarie Telecom CEO David Tudehope declared:

"The cloud is not in the sky, it's here, safe in Macquarie Park."

"42% of Federal Government data goes through our data centres because of our emphasis on security."

The Talavera Road data campus will also play host to a Sovereign Cyber Security Centre of Excellence, integrating skills, jobs and training with new and additional secure data storage.


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How I Made This: melo, a Macquare Park startup helping families share the mental load