New ‘town centre’ plans revealed for Macquarie Park

Plans to create a new ‘town centre’ for Macquarie Park on Herring Road have been revealed by Transport for NSW, with before and after images showing less traffic, more space for people and even outdoor dining options.

The proposed upgrade of the transport interchange between Macquarie University and Macquarie Centre will significantly increase the volume of public space, while future-proofing the interchange to accommodate more bus and Metro commuters.

10,700 passengers currently use the bus interchange on Herring Road each weekday, with bus customers expected to increase by 288% in 15 years, and Metro customers increasing by 187% in the same period.

The designs will accommodate planned changes to the surrounding area, including a new University building on Innovation Road, a proposed pedestrian plaza and entrance to Macquarie Centre, plus significant growth in Sydney Metro commuters as that system expands.

Plans for the interchange were first mooted some 5 years ago, with disagreement between stakeholders on how to balance the need to move more people, and the need for better placemaking. Today’s plans will deliver significant upgrades to public domain, and add 4,000sqm of space - equivalent in size to 3 Olympic swimming pools.

The $200 million plans will be joint funded by the Australian and NSW Governments.

Construction will likely lead to impacts on some services and traffic, and the removal of some mature trees.

Local stakeholders are invited to attend an online briefing on 24 August, and view the plans and have their say in the project's virtual engagement room by Tuesday 8 September 2022.


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