Veggies off the table for kids this Christmas

If you’re having trouble getting your kids to eat vegetables, it turns out there’s a scientific reason why. It’s all in the microbiome.

Just in time for Christmas there is evidence to suggest that maybe we should ease up a little on the brassica type vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and brussel sprouts.

Research led by Dr Damian Frank and funded by the CSIRO has found that in the mouth, a mix of enzymes from these vegetables and bacteria in our saliva (microbiome) can produce unpleasant, sulfurous odours. It’s high levels of this combo that can cause children to dislike the vegetables.

"If you look at a list of vegetables, [this group] are right down there on the bottom of the list of liking with children," said Dr Frank.

So before you reach for the cauliflower salad or choose brussel sprouts to go with your Christmas roast, spare a thought for the children.


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