And the best coffee in Macquarie Park is…

We asked and you answered - hundreds of you voted to help us crown the best coffee in Macquarie Park! And the winner is…

Bluestone Espresso on Lyonpark Road!

Ben and his popular team retain the “best coffee in Macquarie Park” crown for the second year running, but nipping closely at their heels are Cafe Dakota, who came in second place.

Bluestone and Dakota join 8 other poll finalists who now feature in our 2022 guide to the best coffee in Macquarie Park, as chosen by you!

Our 2022 poll results show Sydney's favourite coffee, the latte, has made serious ground on Macquarie Park's 2021 favourite, the cappuccino. In 2021 40% of respondents preferred a cap and only 13% ordered a latte. In 2022, latte orders almost doubled to 24%, while the trusty cap dropped to 26%, making Macquarie Park’s favourite drop a close run thing.

We’re still a Park filled with early birds who love their caffeine kick in the morning, with 76% of us buying our first coffee before 10am.

Macquarie Park is home to more than 90 cafes, bars and restaurants, and although only one can be crowned this year’s winner, all of our local establishments would love to see you.

Whether it’s taking your team meetings outside, stepping away from your office desk for some focus time, or just a good old fashioned catch up with a colleague in person - we appreciate the space and service our local cafes provide, and they appreciate your support during these challenging times.

Want to get the full guide to Mac Park’s best coffee? Sign up to our newsletter! Each month we share the best stories from across our area, plus competitions, events and our jobs guide.


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